Plotnikov's Grocery Store
House of Ponomarev and Kiseleva with
shops, mid-XIX century

House of the middle of the XIX century -
object of a cultural heritage of
regional significance

XIX c.

The "Staraya Russa" resort was opened in the 19th century, known as the Russian "Baden-Baden." Since 1854, Staraya Russa became a favorite place for the Russian aristocracy. Members of the royal family came here for treatment. In 1904, Konstantin Stanislavsky and Maxim Gorky visited the resort. The place was also beloved by F.M. Dostoevsky. "My nest" — the great author lovingly called his house in Staraya Russa. Here he wrote chapters of "The Brothers Karamazov" — a novel about Staraya Russa and its inhabitants. Staraya Russa became the prototype of the fictional town of Skotoprigonyevsk, depicted in the novel. To this day, places described in the novel are preserved in the city. One of such places is the "Ponomarev and Kiseleva House with shops." In Dostoevsky's novel, the house is described as follows: Plotnikov's shop was almost just one house away from Pyotr Ilyich, on the corner of the street.

"It was the main grocery store in our town, owned by wealthy merchants, and quite a good one in itself. It had everything you would find in any store in the capital, all sorts of groceries: wines 'from the brothers Eliseev's bottling,' fruits, cigars, tea, sugar, coffee, and so on. There were always three clerks sitting and two errand boys running about."

Throughout the 19th century, the city of Staraya Russa was called the "Russian Baden-Baden" — it had one of the most prestigious hydrotherapy resorts. It is known that F.M. Dostoevsky spent several years of his life in this city, and he wrote several chapters of "The Brothers Karamazov" in Staraya Russa, mentioning the existing shop of the local merchant P.I. Plotnikov. This shop became the basis for the project's concept. In the cultural heritage site "Ponomarev and Kiseleva House," an interior was created in a retro style was created, immersing visitors in the atmosphere of an old grocery store in the imperial resort city.

Состаренные отделка и фактура столярных изделий имитируют сохранившуюся бакалейную лавку. Антикварные предметы декора, ретро-афиши и упаковки товаров также передают атмосферу XIX века. Акцентом является хрустальная люстра, подчёркивающая престижность магазина в «русском Баден-Бадене». Реализация проекта запланирована в 2024 году.

Restoration process

The bureau's expertise
The head of project

Lead designer

Center for Integrated